Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Homeworks 5 & 7: Blender Game Engine and Animation

This post is a combination of homeworks 5 and 7. It also links to a complete object ready to go into our game which represents the culmination of my work in Blender so far. I have made a 9mm pistol. It is split into components which will be scattered around our game world and which the player must find in order to assemble the completed pistol. If the player is able to assemble the pistol, they will be able to use it to help them defeat the main antagonist at the end of the game.

The video below shows the components which I linked into a single file. It then shows the gun working in the game engine. The [w] and [s] keys aim the gun up and down, respectively. This is the only range of motion needed because the game is two dimensional. Left-clicking of the mouse causes the gun to fire, complete with realistic recoil animations and a bullet which shoots in the direction the gun is pointed. The video then shows the game engine logic for each object. Finally, it shows the dope sheet for the gun and shows me cycling through the frames in slow motion in order to show the animations more clearly.

I will likely add more detailed textures and fine-tune the animations, but other than that, this gun is functional and ready to go. The next step will be figuring out how to place it into the character's hand and making it look realistic.

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